Dubrovnik – the city of a unique political and cultural history (the Dubrovnik Republic, the Statute from 1272), of world-famous cultural heritage and beauty (inscribed on the List of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO) – is one of the most attractive and famous cities of the Mediterranean. Apart from its outstanding natural beauties and well-preserved cul-tural and historical heritage, Dubrovnik also offers high-quality visitor opportunities. It is also the city of hotels, of high ecological standards and tourist programs, and is equally attractive in all seasons. Its geographical isolation is compensated by high traffic and communication standards – especially through air traffic and fast hydrofoil boats.
Croatia, in the opinion of many, Europe’s most beautiful garden has been an attractive naturist destination for five decades. Naturism from its first beginnings in 1936 on the island of Rab, naturally with the permission of the town authorities, was begun by respectable guests Edward VIII and his beloved Wallis Simpson. From the construction of the first facilities until today the continued development and variety offered to naturists has ensured that regular guests are joined by more and more new guests every year.
Read more: http://www.croatia.hr/