We organize your freedom stay in the Dominican Republic January 28, 2025 Transfer from the airport, stay in a luxurious apartment in a sumptuous Florentine-style villa, all at hotel prices, your dream vacation in the Caribbean,…
They failed the test! Airbnb scam alert from Leysin Switzerland July 29, 2024 Leysin, a small and typical town nestled in the Swiss Alps. Here, they find an apartment rentals through Airbnb. Everything sounds perfect. The description…
Nous organisons votre séjour liberté en République Dominicaine January 16, 2024 Transfert depuis l’aéroport, séjour dans un luxueux appartement d’une somptueuse villa de style florentin, le tout au prix d’un hôtel, vos vacances de rêves…
Real Estate Gstaad Region Switzerland Luxurous apartment for sale January 19, 2020 Real Estate Switzerland This beautiful property located in Château-d’Oex, a picturesque village nestled in the Alps, Pays-d’Enhaut region, is only a few minutes away from…