Swakopmund is situated at the edge of the Namib Desert and is the fourth largest population centre in Namibia. The city is a popular beach location and characterized by 19th century German colonial architecture. It was founded in 1892 as the main harbour for German South West Africa.
Swakopmund offers Namibia’s distinctive blend of Himbas and German cultures.
The Himbas are a people originally from the banks of the Nile, who later settled in Southern Africa. They are related to the Hereros, and like them were victims of a genocide orchestrated by a German general at the beginning of the 20th century. The survivors were forced to take refuge in a reserve managed by the South Africans, where their resources and culture slowly withered away.
When South Africa in turn colonized Namibia, some of them were able to reach Kaokoland, the region in the very north of the country, on the border with Angola. Although inhospitable, this land has been theirs since the 16th century, and is the one on which they hope to continue living – if dam projects don’t destroy the ecosystem.
In Namibia, it’s not really uncommon to come across topless women in superstores, so much so that this part of the human body is not considered a problem to be revealed. But what may be more surprising in Namibia than bare breasts and german churches are the prices of properties, houses and apartments for sale. In Swakopmund, we found modern, newly-built houses for less than USD 100K!
The country itself seems calm and safe. How can we draw this conclusion? Well, for the most part, there are no bars on the windows, no high fences (and even fewer equipped with electrical or sharp-edged material), in contrast to many neighborhoods in G7 countries and on some Caribbean islands.
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By then, here is more to read digitalnomads.world/city-guide/swakopmund/